It could be deception.
sentence with so much meaning I couldn't even begin to describe what it
entails for me or the rest of humanity. People are so susceptible to
deception that I doubt it will ever be understood completely. Mostly due
to man's ignorance and arrogance... Which to no surprise, is attributed directly to the ego.
on the other hand, if you know of its existence.. Then you can expect
the day when it will hit you point blank in the face. For you will wake
up with widened eyes and fire in your heart.
The true face of human kind...
Then again, it could be intuition.
That rumbling sensation... Deep inside your belly... That "gut feeling"...
Something that most people always overlook in their lives. Which usually leaves them in
some sort of mid-life crisis; hating almost everything that they've
worked so hard to achieve and build up over the years.
What is most
frustrating for these types of degenerates is that their need, desire
and obsession for wanting change in their life grows stronger and
stronger by the day after they experience this realization. This is a
fairly common situation in Western society.
You have to understand why.
is simply because of the way people interpret their desires during
their youth and early adult life. Whether it's focused around money,
love, security or acceptance. There is always some personal mendacious
objective in the works, usually based on an old pre-adult fixation of
So ask yourself... What is success in Western society?
Is it following your passion?
Is it creating happiness?
Is it finding security and acceptance?
Is it finding love?
Or is it simply.. Just making money?...
problem is, it's all of the above..... Most people don't realize that
you cannot be truly 100% successful in Western society. It is designed
to keep you accepting time and time again that your life will never be
as good as your neighbor's (who is doing the exact same thing as you by
the way).
With these games of greed & envy, it is assured that the
majority will all be constantly dreaming of a better life. Forgetting
their true purpose, their true aspiration and their true
calling... The ingredients that make up a sardine society; where
millions of people have the same dreams and same goals - to never look
inside themselves so that they can find true happiness and self
Until then, we wait...
Anytime you are ready....